The Bull's Homepage

About the author...
name: Rick Strome
age: 20
alias: Bull, Val Venis, Uncle Juice, Ricardo F., Dean Gramatan
occupation: student

There is no purpose of this page other than to provide cool links and pics. **This page is always under construction.**

Some we can talk about, most we can't. Partying, lifting, hacking, chilling, playing on my computer, watching quality movies... you get the idea.

As soon as I learn more about building this page, I'll do so. Check back from time to time, cause eventually I'll have some quality pics you can check out.

Alright, time to check the other sites...
Go visit my frat by clicking on our websites below. Some bro's have individual sites you can visit- you can find the links on the frat's homepage. Other sites are just there for your amusement... my favorites. Or, check out Rick's picture page here.

Favourite links

Tau Alpha Upsilon website
Check out some of the bros!

Scour Media Agent
Get all types of media from pics to Mp3's

H.T. Magazine
Cool pages, info, and more links!

Email me on:
[email protected]

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